Throughout my career I’ve been driven by a passion for creativity. Whenever I visit a museum, theatrical show, exhibit, stores, etc. one of the first questions I ask myself is “oh, how did they do that?” Ever since I was young I’ve had the innate curiosity of how things work leading me to completely disassembly and re-assembly random items to answer those questions. This curiosity became the guiding force throughout my education and into my professional work. Being able to review concepts with other designers and detailing how to bring them to life. Standing off to the side while observing guests & visitors simply enjoy complex elements I’ve created without knowing what it took to bring those experiences to life has been a great gift.
Whenever something interests me, I’ve had a tendency to jump into the deep end head first. Whether it’s being an avid outdoorsman, surfing & snowboarding, to my love of technology and mechanics. I’ve always had the DIY mindset and used everyday problems/challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. We live in a great technological age now where the drafting table has been replaced with computers and the possibilities are endless. Modeling something digitally one day, bringing it to tangibility the next. CNC’ing, laser cutting, water jetting, 3D printing, etc have all become staples of bringing those designs to life in real time. Over the years, I’ve been able to use these skills to coordinate & manage projects from start to finish, with hands on experience on every step along the way.
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions”
-Albert Einstein